Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me Monday!!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Ok. So this week I certainly did not tell my husband that I was only going to stay "a few more minutes" at the hospital when I went to meet my new baby nephew and then end up staying until 10:00pm which was 5 hours later. I mean, it wasn't that he was just so cute that I couldn't leave. Nope, not me.

And of course when I took my kids to meet their cousin and it was lunch time, I didn't just buy my kids lunch in the hospital cafe because I was too lazy to make them lunch at home. I mean, I certainly wouldn't purchase over priced hospital food just to avoid having to make my kids something to eat...Not me!!

And it didn't take me 3 days to actually start acting like we weren't on vacation anymore after we got home. I mean, I always live in reality and I always take care of my responsibilities. Who would just sit around for 3 days after they got home from vacation and pretty much do nothing?! Certainly not me.

And it certainly isn't me who hasn't updated her blog in two weeks and has pictures and videos from vacation AND her new baby nephew...still on her video camera not loaded onto her computer. Who would do that? I am always prompt about posting pictures.

Ok, so now it's your turn to be brutally honest with yourself and of course the entire internet world. ;)

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