Monday, December 7, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This past week I did not spend all week looking up recipes for a dessert to take to a Christmas party this past Saturday and then end up bringing a Cheesecake sampler from the Wal-Mart bakery. I certainly didn't plan on making a fabulous Paula Dean recipe (Thanks Beth!!) and opt for Wal-Mart instead. Ahem.

I did not contemplate taking my son to the Dr. in his well as me staying in mine. He was not so sick that it just seemed easier than getting dressed. I did not take him to the Dr. with no shoes on because he was too tired to walk anyway. And while at said Dr. I did not stand OUTSIDE the sick child waiting room for fear that he would get even more sick. And for not wanting to get other kids sick (for real, I didn't want healthy kids getting sick), I did not just then pace back and forth in front of the reception desk holding my 2 yr. old shoe-less child.

I was not so tired one day last week that when I got up that morning to make the kids lunches for school, I did not proceed to take money out of our Christmas fund (in my wallet) and give it to the boys to BUY their lunch. I would never be that tired. I'm always up and ready to make fabulous lunches for them so that we can save our money.

I did not this past week stress completely out about Christmas....we always have it all together and I always buy presents way in advance. I never have doubts about how will even HAVE Christmas, we are always well prepared and stress this time of year never even shows it's face around here.

This past week I did not think to myself that it would be totally awesome if there REALLY WAS a Santa to take all of my worries away....that would be silly and childish and I'm a grown woman who is always realistic. Ahem. Ok, so how honest can you be today? I would love to hear about it!


Snapshotsofhappiness said...

I know what you mean about a "real" Santa. I would LOVE if one just popped down our chimney!

Mommy Bear said...

I have took the Wal-mart route many times instead of the fabulous Paula Deen route.

I am so wishing for a real Santa. Maybe he can help me with cooking too. LOL
